Bake Sourdough Bread Without Sourdough

There is little better than a fresh, hot loaf of real sourdough bread, but its finickyness at home can make it difficult to nail it down. Luckily Epicurious has a cheat for us, and it includes fresh yeast.

Developed by baker Adam Leonty of Brooklyn Bread Lab , this method is one of the easiest and most elegant ways to get a spicy, chewy bread that’s pretty close to real, without having to deal with wild yeast or strict temperatures. control. All you have to do is replace instant or dry active yeast with fresh baking yeast. This type of yeast, which comes in hard, compressed blocks and has a fresh, sour smell, is available in refrigerated sections of most grocery stores. Once you get it, toss it into a no-knead bread recipe and bake it like any other plain country bread. The result is not a real sourdough, but it will be quite close and much simpler.

The Secret Ingredient to Make Your Bread Taste Like Sourdough | Epic


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