I’m Peter Weimarshausen, CEO of Shapeways and This Is How I Work

You probably think of 3D printers as niche devices for DIY enthusiasts to create plastic objects that have a little rough edges. Shapeways is different. They are using industrial machinery to bring high-resolution 3D printing to the masses.

Peter Weimarshausen co-founded Shapeways with Robert Schuwenburg and Marlene Vogelaar back in 2007 as a subsidiary of Philips electronics company. They wanted to give regular customers the ability to quickly prototype by submitting CAD files for printing. Of course, when they launched in 2008, the nascent 3D printing market was much more limited; It has since become a common solution for both hobbyists and professionals alike to produce custom objects, and many free 3D modeling apps have democratized the process. But now it’s not just about prototypes – Shapeways has a dynamic marketplace for art , jewelry ,toys and mechanical parts that, among other things, are produced on demand.

We spoke to Peter to find out a little about how he quickly prototypes his workflow, so to speak. This is how it works.

Location: New York. Current place of work: CEO and co-founder of Shapeways. One word that best describes how you work: Passion. Current mobile device: iPhone 6. Current computer: I use multiple computers. Two work tables (unnamed, self-assembled). One Toshiba laptop. I got the laptop because it is super lightweight, lasts up to 10 hours without recharging and is quite powerful. Soon he needs something different, because he is four years old.

What apps, software and tools can’t you live without?

Google Apps. Allows me to work anywhere. I read emails and documents on my computer, laptop, iPad or phone. Slack for live chat.

How is your workplace arranged? Coffee shop with laptop and headphones? Home office with a standing desk?

I have a regular desk in my office. No closed office or cubicle; I work in an open office with the rest of the team. At home I have an office with a desk and my computers.

What’s your best time-saving shortcut or life hack?

Make a short to-do list. The most important points are on it and get them done as soon as possible. Less important things are just as important.

What’s your favorite to-do list manager? It can be plain text, like an app like Todoist, or just pen and paper!

I don’t really use the to-do list manager. I make extensive notes on a paper notebook. Writing things down is a good way to remember.

Besides your phone and computer, what device or tool can’t you live without and why?

A case for my iPhone. It contains my business cards and the train card. It is 3D printed and designed by Noisis .

And, of course, 3D printers in general. I don’t own one at home, but through Shapeways I have access to the best high quality printers out there!

What are some of the things you do best in everyday life? What’s your secret?

I don’t like to think that I’m better than others until it’s proven. However, I love driving cars and have actually been driving them in Europe and still on my computer. It seems that none of my friends live up to the same times.

What do you listen to while you work? Have a favorite playlist? Maybe we can talk on the radio? Or do you prefer silence?

I go back and forth between electronic dance music and enjoying the silence. My favorite DJs are Armin van Buuren , W&W and Menno de Jong .

What are you reading now? What book would you recommend?

I am very interested in astrophysics. The book I highly recommend is Stephen Hawking ‘s A Brief History of Time . For guidance, I would highly recommend the Arbinger Institute’s Leadership and Self-Deception.

How do you replenish?

I live outside of New York and recharge when I go outside – whether it’s for a walk or gardening. I also love to swim; if I have the opportunity, you will always find me in the water.

What is your sleep pattern? Are you a night owl or get up early?

I used to be an owl – I came late and got up with difficulty. We had a daughter three years ago and since then I get up a little earlier and usually fall asleep around midnight. I use my iPhone as an alarm clock.

Fill in the blank: I would like ____ to answer these same questions.

Elon Musk.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

There are so many things. But one of them: to approach problems like elephants through trees. Take your time and don’t bang your head, but slowly walk up to her, rest your head on her and keep pushing until the problem goes away.

What else would you like to add that might be of interest to readers and fans?

My interpretation of life hacking does not accept the status quo. So my advice to readers is to challenge the way you do things or how things are today, because things could be wrong. Don’t pick the silver bullet, but try doing a small hack first – improving it – and then a second hack. Take it step by step.


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