Brown Dumplings, Ravioli and Gnocchi to Make Them Delicious

The dumplings, ravioli, and gnocchi are all delicious starchy jewels that don’t take a lot of guesswork to make them sing, but there is one extra step I recommend you take when making them, and that step is browning.

If you are familiar with the Maillard reaction , you know that browning adds tons of flavor and gives it a roasted, toasted and savory taste. Apart from the aroma, browning pasta and dumplings also add divine texture. The fluffy, soft inside of the gnocchi feels even fluffier when combined with a crispy crust, while the tender ravioli and dumplings dough are delicious when browned in a little oil. (If you want a funky gnocchi recipe, try this one from Bon Appetit. )

Simply cook your pasta or dumplings as usual and when they are about to boil, melt the required amount of butter in a non-stick skillet. Pour your choice of carbs into the skillet, stir to coat, then cook without touching for five minutes or so, until a delicious golden crust is formed.

Live Your Best Life and Brown the Dumplings | Bon appetit


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