Pastebot Is a Versatile Clipboard Manager for Mac and Is Currently Free in Beta

Mac: Dozens of clipboard managers have emerged over the years, and most of them do one simple thing: keep a history of what you copy and paste. Tapbot, developers of the popular Twitter client Tweetbot, have a slightly different idea of ​​Pastebot.

Pastebot does the usual job of a clipboard manager of storing many different items on the clipboard, but it also supports text enhancement style snippets in an application area called Pasteboards. Here you can store small chunks of text for quick access. Apart from this, Pastebot also has a Filters section where text is passed through a formatting filter to perform actions such as creating lists, changing case, etc. It’s a clever implementation and a set of features that puts Pastebot somewhere in between the tool text extensions and another clipboard manager. Anyway, if you’re not sure if you want to use this, the beta can be checked out for free right now.



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