Plex Can Now Be Your DVR and Record Terrestrial TV With a Digital Tuner

In its quest to be your service for all media, Plex has just announced one of its biggest updates. You can now use the app as a DVR to record TV shows directly to your Plex server.

The new feature requires the HDHomeRun digital tuner as well as a digital broadcast antenna . You also need to be a Plex Pass subscriber (plans start at $ 5 per month). However, if you can get past those hurdles, you can record over-the-air TV from channels like ABC, NBC, and CBS straight to your Plex server.

Once your shows are recorded, they are processed just like any other content in your Plex library. You can stream them to other devices, sync for offline viewing, or sync with cloud storage like Dropbox or Google Drive. Unlike cable company DVRs, you can add as many tuners as you like and record as many shows as you like. The only limit is the investment you are willing to invest in it.


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