Nutritionist’s Best School Snacks

Sometimes choosing a snack for your child (or yourself) is more difficult than planning an actual meal. To help you get through this culinary minefield, Bon Appetit spoke to nutritionist Abby Langer about the healthiest – and least healthy school snacks.

Luckily, Langer has a very realistic view of how to feed babies, probably because she herself has two. “The best snacks are unlabeled because they are fresh,” she told Bon Appetit. She went on to explain, “I’m so tired of hearing about food being ‘toxic’. It’s okay to have a rice crisp meal several times a week. ”

When it comes to snacks other than apples and celery sticks, string cheese was ranked # 1 in the health rankings as an “excellent source of protein and calcium” with an A + rating. Peanut butter pretzels came second, and Langer called them “high in protein and low in sugar” and “not as evil as you might think.” (Ditto.) The Edge, Goldfish, and Fruit Skin were somewhere in between (click the link below to read their full report cards), but the real lunchbox villain was the super-crafted, aggressively fake – albeit delicious in my opinion – Fruit by the Foot. Bummer.

Nutritionist Evaluates Your Favorite School Lunch Snacks | Bon appetit


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