Your Dog May Not Want to Cuddle, Here’s How to Say It

Dogs are so adorable that it’s hard not to hug, cuddle and love them forever. However, some of them do not want our hugs . Here’s how to tell if your dog is enjoying it.

Dogs can only tell you how they are feeling with their body language, and as experts point out, their body language provides some important clues about how they are feeling. Erin Askeland, Learning and Behavior Expert at Camp Bow Wow, sent us some examples via email:

  • Tail wagging does not always mean the dog is happy: pay attention to the dog’s tail when he is about to hug, because not all wagging is happy wagging. “Usually a slow, hard wagging from side to side with the tail up is a sign of an alert dog, not agitated,” notes Askeland. “A raised and wagging tail is a sign of nervousness and resignation.” She adds that happy dogs have a neutral tail and wag it quickly and freely. Best of all is the tail of a helicopter. “
  • Ears Position: “Ears are barometers of a dog’s mood. Different breeds will adapt the shape of the ears depending on their mood. ” Askeland says that if a dog’s ears are erect and facing forward, they may be interested or aggressive. When the ears are pressed to the head, they are afraid or submissive.
  • Deciphering Aggression and Overstimulation: Askeland says threatened dogs can growl, show their teeth, bark and stand on tiptoes with their ears and tails up to look larger. Pretty obvious, but there are some subtle clues as well. “Over-stimulation in the form of fear, anxiety, excitement, surprise or excitement can also cause piloerection in dogs, also known as feathers (bulging of the coat on the back and down to the tail).”

In Business Insider, animal behavior researcher Julie Hecht pointed out some common signs of stress in dogs: they turn away from what’s bothering them, exhibit white parts of their eyes, and, as Askeland pointed out, pinch their ears. …

She adds that some dogs will put up with hugging, especially if they know you, but it may not be their preferred way of showing affection. Some of us may understand. Read more in the full Business Insider post below.

How To Know If Your Dog Hates Hugs | Business Insider


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