The Best Way to Help Houseplants Grow Evenly

If you’ve ever had a potted plant that seemed to bend and reach towards a sunny window or light, you know that you should probably move it a little closer. However, it is more difficult to achieve uniform growth of a plant when it has already begun to bend without damaging it. Here’s how.

If you have a plant that begins to grow towards sunlight, also called etiolation , slowly move the plant into more and more direct sunlight and rotate the plant to line up its growth direction. If you move it out of the shade to the sun too quickly, you may burn or burn the plant that is not ready for such harsh light, so change it gradually. Then even out the growth of the plant by turning the pot slightly every few weeks so that the plant is exposed to sunlight from all directions.

Cacti and Succulent Plants for Beginners | San Jose Cactus and Succulent Society


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