How Hypnosis Actually Works and Why It’s Not at All What You See in the Movies

Contrary to the notion that hypnosis is either a complete hoax or a magical state of mind in which people can make you do anything, the truth about hypnosis and whether you can be hypnotized is in the middle. This is very real, but more like a meditative state than a lack of consciousness.

The video above, from DNews, explains in more detail, but it starts with the origins of hypnosis, tracing back to the concept of ” animal magnetism ” first described by Dr. Franz Freudrich Anton Mesmer , who argued that it was an suggestible, primary force emanating from all animals that can be used for healing or other physical effects.

Of course, his ideas never caught on (and he did not find scientific evidence to support them), but it is in his work that we meet the word “hypnotized”, and most psychologists understand the popular concept of hypnosis as learned social behavior in which people play a role and use your imagination. However, the more practical and applicable form of hypnosis used in some forms of hypnotherapy is not so much something you might recall from an office space as a kind of “guided meditation” that helps participants calm down, block out external stimuli and thoughts. … and look at problems, ideas and situations in a new, more impartial way.

So hypnosis is real – but not the way you might think it is, or the way the pop media portrays it and is likely to continue to portray it. Click Play on the video above to learn more, or watch it on YouTube below.

Is hypnosis a complete deception? | DNews (YouTube)


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