How Professional Chefs Improve Frozen Pizza

Frozen pizza is fine. This is one of the least ambitious, but at the same time quite decent dishes that can be prepared with little or no effort. But why not aim for something more than decent? By adding a few toppings, you can transform your cardboard cake into something that looks like real food.

At Bon Appétit, five professional chefs shared tips for improving frozen pizza. A persistent theme among their proposals is to add strong flavored fillings, as Corey Doctorow points out ; garlic is especially often recommended. Hannah and Marian Cheng, co-founders of Mimi Cheng’s in New York, explain :

“Fresh garlic in pizza can make a huge difference; Cut fresh garlic into thin slices and place on top of pizza before placing in oven. If the cooking time is too long and you are worried about the garlic toasting before the pizza is ready, you can also fry the garlic in olive oil and then sprinkle the garlic and olive oil on the pizza. ”

Others offer things like pepperoncini or even chorizo, and almost every chef recommends adding the best quality cheese to make your pizza. And – surprise to me – several chefs also offer honey. Visit Bon Appétit to find out how to make your cake look more than mediocre.

5 Chefs On How They Made Frozen Pizza | Bon appetit via BoingBoing


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