Small Workspace With a Large Screen

Jason shared this low-cost workspace with us at our Workspace Show and Tell Pool on Flickr, complete with a sharp-looking IKEA desk and decent hardware in a compact yet cozy work and play space. Here are some more photos of its installation.

Jason has an entire video tour that we will insert here below, which will take you not only through his actual workspace and table setup, but also through the process of combining all of this and other things that you see on the periphery of his shots, such as the keyboard. … , its figurines and tabletop toys, as well as specific brands and models of its peripherals and other tabletop equipment.

For those unable to watch the video, he notes this on Flickr:

2 gray Alex Drawer sets, Tornliden desk, Sony 43 ” 4K TV, Tannoy Reveal 802 studio monitors, Astro A50, NZXT H440 red / black, Blue Yeti USB microphone.

PC specs: i3 6100, GTX1080 (know, know), Soundblaster ZX sound card.

So, it rocks the TV as the main display, which is pretty good. This computer is also water-cooled, as you can see in the photo below:

It also has some pretty nice under-desk lighting that we see more and more on some of the featured desktops we’ve noticed – a lot of people offset lighting and then offset lighting on their displays and the bottom of their desks, which makes sense given the good layout. cables:

Overall, it looks great and fits a lot of great equipment into a small workspace that, while a bit cramped, matches Jason’s style perfectly. If you like what you see, follow the Flickr link below and let him know you liked his settings!

If you have your own workspace to show off, share it with us by adding it to our Lifehacker Workspace Show and Tell Flickr pool . Make sure all photos you add are at least 1280×720 in size. Maintaining their 16: 9 aspect ratio also helps! Include a little text about what you used, how you came up with the design, and any other important details. If your smart organization and good design flair are striking, you could be the next workplace ambassador!

theJTL: Setting Up a New Desktop, Mid 2016 | Flickr


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