Use Google Voice Commands to Manage YouTube Videos

Android: Google voice commands are incredibly powerful . However, you might not have noticed that they can be used when watching YouTube videos. Just say “Ok Google” and you can send a few commands directly to the app.

As Android Police points out, this feature may have been around for a while, but it goes unnoticed. Here is a list of the commands found by Android Police:

  • “Pause”pauses the video.
  • “Play” – resumes video playback.
  • Stop – stops video and ends buffering, works the same as switching to another application and switching back.
  • Minimize – Moves the video to a tiny window in the lower right corner.
  • Expand – puts the video in full screen mode.
  • Exit, Close Player – Close the video, but leave YouTube open.
  • “Play …”, “Connect to …” – start playing the video on another device, select “TV”, “Chromecast” or “Console”. Unfortunately, you cannot name the device (like the name of the Chromecast).
  • “Disconnect from …” – the opposite of the last command, stops video playback on the remote device.
  • “Skip ads” – to some extent speaks for itself.

Most voice commands aren’t exactly faster than touching the screen directly, but they can be really handy if you’re using your phone when you can’t touch it. For example, if you want to watch a video on TV while cooking, you can stream, pause, and even skip ads without touching your phone with dirty fingers. Very comfortably!

PSA: You can control YouTube playback with voice commands OK Google | Police Android


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