Late Summer Is the Best Time to Start Running

Summer is turning into autumn and we are at the best time to start or resume running. We’re expecting about two months of great running weather, plenty of light in the mornings and evenings, and an almost guarantee of a comfortable run down the gate when you get to November. Lace up and let’s get started.

The weather is beautiful and it only gets better

Since it is summer now, you are probably already spending a lot of time outside. Maybe you walk more, take the kids to the beach or to the playground. If you are like me, you talk about the many Pokémon hunting on earth . Compare that to how you would feel if it was January and you had to unfold your comfy jacket and get off the couch. Take advantage of your sunny, active inclinations while you still can.

But you say it’s hot in here. This is actually not such a big problem. Let’s say the elevation is 90 degrees today. You can probably find a good 70-degree time in the morning or a slightly warmer time at sunset. Then, as we head into September, the weather will improve and your runs will be even more enjoyable.

Even if you cannot avoid the heat, everything will be fine. Running in hot weather slows you down but makes you stronger in the long run . If you can stand and exercise in the sultry heat, you will be even better off when the weather is cool. It’s like giving yourself superpower.

Either way, you will have a few months of good weather before winter arrives. If you live in colder climates, you will need to buy extra gear and learn how to cope with the winter weather . But it’s summer now! Those days are a distant future. When the chill finally creeps in, you can refill your wardrobe and pick up your courage a few degrees at a time.

Now is a great time to start a new daily routine.

If you need to work on your school timetable, the start of the school year is the perfect time to get your day started. Once you’ve developed a habit that works for you , it’s easy to stick to exercise, so think about your schedule.

I love to play sports right after taking the kids to kindergarten so that my run is over before I start my day at work. Summer break ruined this schedule, so I’m looking forward to the school year again so I can get back into this habit.

If you are a student yourself, think of your workout as just another activity you should schedule for your day. Choose the time frame that you are sticking to. If you haven’t signed up for your 8am class, you probably won’t enjoy running at 8am.

When you start running in late summer, there is another planning benefit: there is still plenty of light in the early morning and late evening. This means you can fit outdoor jogging into your schedule at almost any time, and you don’t have to worry about carrying a flashlight and avoiding invisible potholes. As the days get shorter, you’ll have to adjust your schedule (or buy a flashlight), but at least you can enjoy the light as long as it lasts.

There is a turkey with your name on it

I find it difficult to stick to an exercise program if I don’t have a clear goal to train for. This is why I always try to include a race on my calendar, even if there are a few months before it.

Even if you don’t run at all, you can run 5 km (that’s about three miles) in two months. The classic couch-to-5K program takes nine weeks, while website and app-based training programs typically last six or eight weeks.

This means you will have plenty of time to train until Thanksgiving, when almost every American city takes 5 miles and calls it a turkey trot . Put your location on Runner’s World Race Finder and I can almost guarantee there will be one next to you.

Don’t worry about this. Races like Turkey Lynx (and in fact, most of the races you come across as a casual runner) are easy to run for fun. You pay your royalties, lock in your numbers, and join a host of runners of all levels in what is essentially a great group workout. Most 5K runs involve both runners and walkers, so no matter how slow you run, you won’t be the last one at the finish line.

Today there are more than three months before Thanksgiving. You can complete the nine week program with plenty of free time. Heck, you can do the six week program twice . Ready? Do you have this.

If you miss this perfect window, you still have options.

If you are reading this in August or September, skip this section. Just start running now and don’t hesitate.

Still here? Okay, it must be some other time of the year. There are a few minor points to start with, so don’t be too disappointed:

  • Spring is almost as good as late summer. You avoid the heat of summer and the cold of winter. The only downside is that you need to deal with the cold weather right away instead of putting up with it.
  • Winter is great if you live in a warm climate. You can ignore everything I said about snow and ice and just enjoy the non-scorching weather in which to run.
  • January is good for looking for a company . Everyone hops on the New Year’s permit train, so it’s easy to find a buddy to join you.
  • Two months before the 5 km race, any 5 km race. If there is a race in your city that you would like to try (or if you find one that you would like to go to), you have a built-in training schedule. Two months is enough time to gain momentum.

In truth, the best time to start running is right now , no matter when it is . There is no point in waiting for a better time to ride.

But I really think there is something special about the end of summer. The weather is great, you are still outside, and you have many good days on your calendar before dark and cold. Take advantage of this while you can. This is a great time to start.


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