These Tips Will Encourage Your Kids to Create Their Own Meals.

Lunch packing is a skill kids can learn, but they need your help. However, it pays off: your child gains some independence and learns how to prepare healthy meals. Best of all, you have one less job in the morning.

Casey Seidenberg writes for the Washington Post to get your child involved in this idea. It provides a step-by-step process that starts with a brainstorming session. Make a list of foods with your child that he loves to eat and involve him in the grocery shopping. You can even opt for a shiny new lunchbox to heighten their excitement.

Once you get the ingredients, you need to set your child up for success. Keep everything close at hand, show them how to fill airtight containers, and place a cheat sheet on the refrigerator to remind them how to make a healthy meal. Seidenberg’s Rule is one protein, one vegetable, one fruit, one optional side, and a bottle of water. It’s like the Council on packaging dinner, which we recommend parents to learn , but adapted so that your child can learn it too. Follow the link below for all the details.

Yes, your children can and should prepare their own meals | Washington Post via National Post

Photo by Mike Mozart .


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