How to Vote in Each State Uses Short Videos Explaining What You Should Do Before the Election

The How to Vote in Every State YouTube channel has short videos for every state and territory in the United States that explain how to register and vote where you live. Rules differ from state to state, so this service provides quick and easy guidance on how to get out and vote as efficiently as possible.

The channel covers all 50 states and unincorporated territories, so if you live in Puerto Rico or Guam, fear not, there is a video for you too. Just click the link below, click to view all videos, and choose from the list the one that suits your location. You will be prompted for a short – perhaps a few minutes at most – video on how to register, what is the deadline for voter registration and what you need to bring to register (not to mention if you can do it online.) Click on the link below to check it out.

How To Vote In Each State | YouTube via Swissmiss


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