Five Tactical Ways to Avoid Questions About Your Salary History

When you’re interviewing for a new job, there is a very good chance that hiring managers will try to convince you to talk about your past compensation. Here are some ways to keep this information to yourself without being overly defensive.

Hiring managers sometimes try to figure out what you did in your last job so they know what you’re willing to accept from them. This gives them an edge in salary negotiations. If they know you didn’t make much money in your last job, they may try to drag you down. When they ask about your past compensation and you don’t want to answer, Fast Company’s Ted Leonhardt suggests that you say something like this:

My past compensation is a private matter for me and my previous employer. I’m sure you would hope your former employee would respect this if asked a similar question.

If you are afraid to sound too defensive, practice in front of a mirror until you think you have succeeded. As Leonhard explains, such a response is critical and reinforces your honesty. If you don’t think you can say any of this, he shares four more helpful ready-made answers to try at the link below.

How To Avoid Questions About Your Salary History In A Job Interview Fast Company


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