For a Fantastic Fruit Salad, Season It Like a Savory

Depending on which part of the country you come from, “fruit salad” can conjure up images of grapes and apples topped with a mild white yogurt-based sauce. Maybe eat marshmallows. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Fruit salads should be fresh, bright and tasty, but special attention should be paid to dressing.

According to Bon Appetit’s Rick Martinez, you should think of a fruit salad dressing the same way you think of a “regular” salad dressing, and you need to make sure it includes “acid, fat, and a dominant flavor.” Olive oil works well as a base for vinaigrette, while nut butters are a great place to start for anything creamier. Either way, you’ll want to add acidity (like citrus juice or sweet balsamic) and other flavors like fresh herbs and spices, maybe even a few chili flakes for warmth, or maple syrup for sweetness. Try to keep things a little sweeter than if you were making a leaf-based salad (I’d avoid garlic), but don’t be afraid to drink a little.

Once your masterpiece is ready, it’s time to get dressed. If your fruit is good and ripe, wait half an hour before serving it before watering it. If it’s tough enough, you can dress up three hours early. (To find out which fruits to use for the salad and when to throw them, see the link below.)

There is such a thing as a great fruit salad | Bon appetit


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