How to Turn Your Job Into a Full-Time Job From a Professional Cosplayer

Transforming the skills you have into a hobby into a profession is not an easy task. Some might be happy to just prove themselves for fun and make some extra cash, but if you want to take your skills to the next level, the cosplay world has some helpful tips.

In the video above, professional props and cosplay artist Bill Doran of Punished Props shares some of his secrets. First, if you are looking to build a business from a side business, creating multiple sources of income will help you. Doran says that while the props are impressive, most of his company’s revenues now come from book and tutorial sales. Having multiple streams of income helps ensure that a company continues to make money even when one stream is quiet. Watch the full video to learn how to balance your free time, how to determine which tasks you need to delegate, and more.

4 Business Tips From One of the Best Cosplayers in the World | Forbes


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