Win10 Widgets Bring System Monitors and Other Built-in Tools to Your Desktop

Windows: Built-in desktop widgets left Windows with the end of the sidebar, but they’ve always been available with third-party apps like the always incredible Rainmeter. Win10 Widgets is a Rainmeter package that brings many of these informative widgets back to Windows in a way that looks natural on Windows 10.

Rainmeter, the system monitoring and tweaking engine for Windows (and the tool that powers most of our favorite Windows desktops ) has always been a favorite of Lifehacker, but Win10 widgets add monitors, controls, and other tools that look like they belong in Windows 10. They use the same visual style as native windows, the same fonts as other system fonts, and they just look like they are at home on your system.

As always, you can select certain tools from the widget pack to launch, and you can display as many or less as you find useful on your computer. In this set, you’ll find volume controls, system monitors for disk space, Wi-Fi, RAM and CPU usage, overall system performance, battery level, weather widget, quick lock, and more, all fully customizable. … There’s even a customizable Spotify control and Now Playing widget. You will need Rainmeter to make any of them work, but if you do, you will find that they are a beautiful addition to your custom desktop. Follow the link below to try them out.

Win10 Widgets (Free)


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