Recover Leftover French Fries by Turning Them Into Ready-Made Potato Waffles

When you reheat your chips, they aren’t as good, but that doesn’t mean you should throw away the leftovers. Take a waffle iron and turn it into a crunchy base for all sorts of delicious toppings like cheese, meat, or even scrambled eggs.

Spread the leftover potatoes inside the waffle iron, then block and let cool for about 8-10 minutes. While they are cooking, prepare the filling. No need to fantasize here – the fried egg is decadent, but you can use any meat, herbs, cheese, or anything else in your fridge. You don’t have to worry about them “matching” the fries. When the waffle is done, add the grated cheese on top and press down on the top of the waffle iron for about 15 seconds to melt the cheese. Transfer the waffles to a plate and lay out the filling. You can see a step-by-step visual demo in the video above (skip to 00:50).

Next Level Food Leftovers With Foodinese | Devourer (YouTube)


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