Crash Course on Ransomware and How to Defend Against It

Ransomware is especially dangerous for malware when attackers either shut down systems or encrypt your data and demand money to give you back access. This is a huge problem, and this figure is a quick guide to these attacks, how they work, and how to defend against them.

It is especially important to pay attention to the whole aspect of “how can you protect yourself” because in many cases retaliation for attackers does not work, and instead – as in any hostage situation – giving the attackers what they want only proves that you are ready. give in and increase their resolve (and their demands). Instead, prevention is key, and it starts with learning, not to mention reliable, up-to-date malware protection for all of your devices. The graphics (although it’s not too much graphics, to be honest) are explained below, and you can click on the link below to read the full accompanying article.

Ransomware: are you ready? | Smartfile


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