You Can Now Jailbreak on Almost Any Kindle

Hacking the Kindle has a number of advantages, including installing custom screensavers and software, but recently, the availability of hacking has been limited to a small number of firmwares. He is now seeing a much broader release.

The new jailbreak basically requires you to downgrade to the factory firmware for your Kindle model, copy the jailbreak file, run the command on the Kindle itself, and then wait for the jailbreak to complete. Once that happens, you can upgrade to the latest official Amazon firmware and the jailbreak will continue. As with most jailbreaks, you need to make sure that you are downloading the correct firmware for your device, and there is always the risk of locking your device. However, when you jailbreak you get all sorts of benefits , including access to interactive novel readers, audiobook players, customizable screensavers, and more. Go to Mobileread for full instructions.

Software jailbreak for PW2, PW3, PW3W, KT2, KV and KOA | Mobile reading via Hackaday


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