Focus on Doing Better When Your Job Is Denied

Refusing to get rejected from work hurts and can drive you insane, wondering what you did wrong. Instead of losing sleep over all the little things, pick only one that can increase your chances of getting the job next time, and work on it.

Getting rejected can be caused by a variety of things, many of which are beyond your control. However, you can probably list some things that happened during the interview that weren’t ideal. Your initial instinct is to fix them all, but Kat Bugard of the Daily Muse recommends focusing on a specific area. You might want to rehearse your answers to typical interview questions so you don’t chat or say the wrong thing. Or perhaps your resume requires some adaptation to the type of job you’re interested in. Or maybe you’ve taken a job that isn’t right for you and need to work towards finding a suitable job to apply for. … Whichever you choose, focusing on one thing will keep you from feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. Relieve yourself of stress and pick one to give it the attention it deserves.

5 Difficult Questions to Ask Yourself When Jobs Rejected | Daily Muse via Fast Company


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