What Do the Codes on Your Salary Mean?

Most of us are familiar with the basics of our payroll: tax liens, social security, and of course, income. However, there may be several codes on your salary that you are not familiar with, and Credit.com breaks them down.

Companies typically list details about your health insurance, retirement plans, and pay increases, according to Lauren Downey, director of payroll practice at Namely. The 401K is pretty obvious – this is your retirement benefit. If the code reads 401KER, this is usually your employer’s contribution to your retirement account. Credit.com further explains:

Things get more complicated when companies include codes in their paychecks related to their conduct of business or employee benefits, Downey said. For example, some businesses may list health insurance as HS and others may refer to it as HI. “It’s all about what makes sense for the company,” Downey said, “so the codes change a lot … usually referred to as GARN or CHSPPRT,” Downey said. “Generally [these codes] are intuitive.” For example, LEVY can mean tax levy.

Of course, these are generic codes, and your employer may well use their own code for such expenses or for bonuses. If you are not familiar with the code on your stub, you can always check it with HR, but these are just a few of the more common ones. For more details please follow the link below.

What do these codes mean in my salary? | Credit.com


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