Departure Songs Desktop

We’ve seen a few simple desktops and a few loaded ones, but this one from reader Perezherin is fine . It saves a lot of space in the center so you have a lot of room to work with, but it also adds some widgets and tools around the periphery that are useful and informative.

If you want to do this for your own Windows machine, the first thing you’ll need is a copy of Rainmeter and some tips on how to make the most of it. We have a getting started guide that you can use .

Now, if you want the same look, here are the components that Perezherin used:

That’s all. As usual with Rainmeter desktops, you can take or leave certain components if you don’t feel one of them or if you think you want something different. All in all, this is a great way to achieve good looks. If you like what you see, check out the Pergerine Kinja blog linked below and share your thoughts on the matter.

Do you have a beautiful and functional desktop to show off? Share with us! Place it in a personal blog using Kinja tag DesktopShowcase or add it to our pool of Lifehacker Desktop Show and the Flickr Tell . Screenshots must be at least 1280×720 and include information about what you used, links to wallpapers, skins and themes, and any other important information. If your wonderful desktop catches our attention, you may be on our favorites!

Departure songs | Perzherine


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