Use the Crescent Moon to Find Your Way at Night

If you’re lost in the woods at night, disoriented and don’t have the tools to help you figure out where and which path, Atlas Obscura has a simple suggestion: Look at the moon. If it’s a crescent moon, you should be able to tell where the south is fairly easily, and this short video explains how to do that.

In short, when the crescent moon is at the top, draw a line from the top of the horn to its base, and then trace that line to the horizon. You will be looking directly south. This is a simple thing to remember, and obviously not the only thing you can or should know about finding your way if you get lost on the street at night (and of course, this is not necessarily good advice if, for example, a full moon, or bulging, or if not visible or a new moon is approaching.) However, consider this just another tool in your arsenal of wilderness skills you should know .

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