Essential Accessories Needed in a Basic Home Cleaning Set

There are endless amounts of cleaning products, but you don’t need to spend a fortune to keep your home looking beautiful. This is the only thing you need.

In this video from YouTube channel Clean My Space, host Melissa Maker shares her tips for creating a basic cleaning kit. To put together your own kit, you’ll need some obvious basics like an all-purpose cleaner, glass and mirror cleaner, and a disinfectant. You will also need dishwashing detergent to remove grease stains, baking soda for deodorizing, rubbing alcohol to remove sticky stains and stickers, and hydrogen peroxide for stains from hard surfaces. In terms of tools, you should have a hand-held squeegee for mirrors and windows, a toothbrush for tiles and hard-to-reach areas, and even a measuring cup to whip up a disposable cleaning solution. Maker even shares some of his favorite cleaning tools with their hands, so you can try them.

A cheap and effective cleaning kit! | Youtube


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