Three Things You and Your Partner Need to Agree on Before Living Together

Before you and your partner decide to move together, you may have already figured out how to share costs and responsibilities, but you may have overlooked these three important social topics.

Be sure to talk about it so that you can understand how you both will be spending your time on the same page:

  1. How often will you spend time independently of your partner? Whether it’s time for yourself or making plans with friends, the assumption that you and your partner will spend each evening together may not be right for your relationship. By agreeing on how much time you both want to be apart, you will have time to recharge and maintain friendships.
  2. When you are together, what will you do? Diving into a Netflix-like routine all evening is easy. Discuss how each of you would like to spend time with each other. Maybe a date once a week outside the home? A shared hobby evening? Do you train together? Whatever you choose, make a commitment to give it as much attention as you do with other people.
  3. How will you communicate your social calendars? Having something like a shared Google calendar or regular nights that are blocked (for example, Friday is dating night) helps keep you two from double-booking or not being able to make plans without first getting a response from the other person (instead of just pulling up handset) shared calendar).

The outcome of this conversation will be different for each couple, but it is more important to talk and come to an agreement than to set any specific agenda.

Things to Talk About Before Shaking It Up | Billfold


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