Learn to Walk in Heels With These Three Tips

There are many things you can do to make wearing heels easier, such as buying more supportive shoes or adding extra padding. How you wear your heels matters too. Here are three tips to help make walking in heels and foot easier.

You can see the next three tips and more information in the video above. For those of you who can’t watch, here’s a breakdown:

  1. Start with a more stable construction, such as a wedge or chunky heel. Your weight will be distributed over most of the shoe, which reduces the chance of wobbling.
  2. Typically, walk with your heel first to get a firm gait that will support you and make you look confident.
  3. When climbing the stairs, walk with your toes first, in case you miss a step, it will be easier for you to catch yourself. When descending, place your entire foot firmly before taking the next step.

If you’re just starting out with heels, look for ones that aren’t as tall and have ankle straps for more support. It all boils down to remembering stability, from the design of the shoes you buy to the way you walk in them.

How to walk in heels. (YouTube) mode


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