Chrome Will Finally Stop Returning to the Page When You Accidentally Hit Backspace

If you’ve ever lost a form you’re filling out because the Backspace key takes you to a previous page, be prepared to be happy. In the latest builds of Chrome for Canary, Google has added the ability to stop using the Backspace key as the browser’s back button.

While there are already some people out there – especially programmers and keyboard shortcut-oriented ones, so basically our audience – are unhappy with this change, it’s also a welcome option for those of us with other, better options for going back one page. The change did not apply to any of the other Chrome channels, so there is still time if you don’t want to change it. Google is also experimenting with a flag that will allow users to choose to enable or disable this feature, which is likely to be released. In the meantime, though, those of us who got angry with our keyboards over accidentally hitting this key will have something to wait for.

Chromium code reviews via Engadget


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