The ICONSPEAK T-Shirt Is the Perfect Outfit for Any Traveler Around the World

There are many tools out there to overcome language barriers, but there is nothing easier than pointing to a picture. The ICONSPEAK T-shirt lets you talk about what you need, wherever you are.

The T-shirt has 40 symbols that clearly represent the essentials that any traveler needs. There are icons for drinking water, housing, transportation, food, bathrooms and even repairs. If you are traveling in a multicultural country and end up not knowing the language, you can simply find someone and point out what you want on your shirt. You can also point out icon combinations if you need something a little more complex, such as a car repair or a place where food and alcohol is served. This is a clever solution to a common adventurer problem. You can get the ICONSPEAK T-shirt in most sizes for $ 33 from their website below.

ICONSPEAK T-shirt | ICONSPEAK Store via Buzzfeed


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