Most Viewed Posts This Week: April 22-29

This week we explained why the buying or renting debate is stupid when it comes to home ownership, trying to get a good night’s sleep after drinking, and then, of course, learned how to make a decent cup of coffee in the laziest way possible. Let’s take a look at the top posts of this week.

Why the buying and renting debate is completely meaningless

After a lot of savings, I recently bought a house, which took some of my friends by surprise. “I thought you are acting against homeownership,” – they said, because I believe that the rent is underestimated . Even as a homeowner, I still think the rent is undervalued. This does not mean that buying is a bad decision. The disputes between rent and purchase in general are just silly. He ignores the huge gray area that exists between the two options.

Sleep well after a night of booze

Drinking can certainly cause a hangover, but one of the reasons why you feel so lethargic and exhausted after a night of drinking is because you don’t sleep well . A couple of drinks are enough to ruin your holiday, but all is not lost. Here’s how to turn a potentially hectic night into something that recharges at least a little.

Worst Ways Cable Companies Confuse You By Making You Pay More

With confusing packages, hidden fees, misleading promises, and confusing terms, everyone agrees that cable TV and ISPs are the worst. I tried to compare online shops in my area and ended up with a terrible mess of sketchy terms and incremental sales. It should not be.

Coolest Things You Can Do With Android Hidden System UI Tuner

Google has introduced a nice hidden menu in Android Marshmallow called System UI Tuner. It contains a ton of neat little tweaks like hiding status bar icons or showing battery percentage. Here’s how to enable it and what to do about it.

How to tell if your Tinder profile is fake

Fake profiles and chatbots were the most frustrating part of using Tinder when I compared it to the competition . They are all over the place, trying to sell you something or steal your personal information, force you to download malware, or even beg you to send money. If you just want to calmly swipe your finger across the screen, here’s what you need to pay attention to.

Good coffee for the lazy

I love coffee. I drink every day. I love trying new methods of brewing at home. I am also lazy when it comes to my daily cup of coffee. I don’t want to follow the ridiculous steps that most coffee connoisseurs suggest to get the “perfect” cup. With that in mind, here are a few tips I’ve learned over the years to make a good cup of coffee as comfortable as possible.

Don’t waste money on homeopathic “medicines”

When you or your child is sick and all you care about is relief, you will be delighted with any promise the pill bottle makes. But in some of these packages there are no medicines at all, only homeopathic “medicines”. Their creators are legally allowed to lie to you and tell you that these products cure diseases, even though this is definitely not the case.

All the best movies to hit and leave Netflix in May 2016

There is a slow month in the attraction and departure of Netflix movies this month, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few highlights to grasp before they leave and a few classics to get excited about before they release.

Top 10 myths and misconceptions about sleep

You might think that humanity already fell asleep before science, but many of us still do not sleep well (and therefore we need the 10 best guides to sleep better ). Part of the problem is that we have outdated information and perceptions about this vital health need. Let’s establish the facts. Here are 10 things you might be told about sleep, but that’s not entirely true.

The best way to cook different cuts of beef in one table

With so many different cuts of beef – from 7-bone roast to 3-tip roast – figuring out the best way to cook a piece of beef can be confusing. This table, compiled by the Cattle Breeders Council and the National Beef Herders Association, may help.

Level Up Your Plank Workout: 11 Core Boards

As a kid, you probably did squats at school to train your abs. But is squatting the best ab exercise? This is actually a simple question. Never! There are abs exercises better than simple squats that can aggravate back problems and focus on just one small abdominal area.

Open365 – an open source alternative to Microsoft Office 365

Windows / Mac / Linux / Android: One of the main advantages of Microsoft Office 365 over open source alternatives is the ability to sync documents over the cloud so you can edit them anywhere. Open365 has come to a close to finally match this feature set.

The biggest challenges you will face when renovating an old home

Older homes have character and often boast features such as architectural windows and massive plastered walls that many newer buildings lack. However, when it comes time to renovate, older homes present costly problems that aren’t nearly as appealing. Here are the biggest and most common repair problems you should prepare for.

If your doctor won’t insert an IUD because you haven’t had children, you need a new doctor.

If your gynecologist has previously turned down your IUD request, it may be time to try again or see another doctor. The old rules were that women who had never given birth should not have an IUD inserted. The situation changed many years ago and the documentation is gradually being updated.

10 rules of professional etiquette for the digital workplace

When you’re all alone, it’s easy to forget about manners. Being late for appointments and forgetting simple things like “please” and “thank you,” polite and well-mannered people can seem like complete assholes in the absence of personal contact. Isolation is to blame, but you don’t have to become a victim.


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