Have You Ever Convinced a Landlord to Pay for an Upgrade?

There is a lot you can do with your rental to make it look more like a home without spending a ton or running into your landlord, but if you want more substantial updates or changes, you’ll need his help. Have you ever convinced a homeowner to pay for an upgrade or renovation?

Perhaps you have lived in your apartment for several years and it is in dire need of a new stove, or you were thinking about taking up the garbage collection. Maybe you need new plumbing or you need a new refrigerator. In many cases, the homeowner realizes the value of these upgrades and will be willing to share the costs with you, or even cover them entirely. Has it ever happened to you, if you are a renter, to receive updates from the landlord? If you are a homeowner, when are you ready to help and when are you not? Share your tips and tricks in the discussion below.

Hey, it doesn’t hurt to ask! Real Renovation Renovations That Landlords Really Help Pay For | Apartment therapy


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