Three Basic Terms You Should Know Before Contacting a Tailor

If you’ve never been to a tailor, the process can seem a little daunting. These terms will help you describe exactly what you want from a tailor and make the experience a little easier for both parties.

Tailors can use their judgment and measurements to determine how to make the garment better, but it will help them a little if you give them an idea of ​​what needs to be done. Who knows what clothes suit you better than you, right? This is why Business Insider’s Dennis Green suggests that you at least know this basic tailoring lingo:

  1. Let it out: you need more fabric in this area or for this particular area of ​​the garment to fit more loosely.
  2. Accept this: you need less fabric in this area to fit closer to your body.
  3. Break: How you want your pants to drape over the top of your shoes, especially when it comes to the hem of your pants and how much extra fabric you need there.

With these terms, you will be able to clearly explain to any tailor what you need without having to use any abstract descriptions such as “this is inconvenient” or “this is just not quite right.” They will definitely appreciate it. To be precise, the tailor will probably also ask you questions about other parts of your garment, but they will explain the rest to you along the way. You can find more tailoring tips at the link below.

4 Things Every Guy Should Know Before Going To A Tailor For The First Time | Business Insider


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