Make Super-Smooth Hummus With Some Baking Soda

Super-smooth, almost fluffy hummus is something I’ve never been able to achieve at home. Sure, I made a good hummus, but not the creamy, light-as-air product that seems to be found in Middle Eastern restaurants. It turns out there is a secret ingredient: baking soda.

Click the link below to view the full recipe, but the point is this: A teaspoon of baking soda along with 1 1/4 cups of dried chickpeas allows the skins to float up, allowing you to peel them off and discard. The lack of rind means your hummus will be smooth and creamy, although a little tahini also helps give it a nice texture. Sprinkle it with olive oil and dip the pita bread, vegetables and fingers in this porridge.

Ultra-smooth, light as air hummus | Pamela Saltzman


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