Cheapest Days for Summer Travel

If you have plans for a summer trip, now is the time to consider booking these flights. And CheapAir has analyzed and calculated the cheapest days to fly this summer.

Using flight information from their database, CheapAir found that the cheapest days to fly are June, July, August and September. They also analyzed the data to determine the cheapest and most expensive days to fly in each of these months overall. A few highlights from their findings:

Overall, flying on Tuesdays and Wednesdays will save you money on summer airfare.

Traveling on Tuesday instead of Sunday in July will save you $ 104 on average.

The most expensive travel dates in summer are July. Avoid flying on Sundays to save money.

They found that June 1, July 26, August 31, and September 20 are the cheapest travel dates for each month. You can also check their price calendars, which show how expensive you can expect your flight to be based on travel dates. All this can be viewed at the link below.

Cheap summer flights 2016 | CheapAir


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