How to Use Medical Marijuana Safely and Responsibly

Medical marijuana is a safe alternative treatment (by comparison ), but it’s still a powerful drug that can get you into trouble if you don’t know what you are doing. However, with a little knowledge and practice, you can use it to get rid of some conditions and deal with negative side effects.

While I have a good idea of ​​how I can use marijuana safely and responsibly, you and your doctor know better than I do. You definitely need to talk to a healthcare professional and not base your selection solely on some guy’s article on the Internet, even if it’s this one. However, I have learned a few things that help me avoid tolerance, addiction and negative side effects.

Plan ahead for the first few times

Let’s talk about first-time control first. Marijuana will shock you in the beginning if you’ve never eaten it before, especially edible ones. After a few uses you will not have this problem, but at first you will most likely be very high for a very long time. Take your first dose in a small amount (4-6 mg) in the early evening (7:00 pm to 9:00 pm) until the day you have nothing to do. Ask a trusted friend who is sober or marijuana tolerant to hang out with you to help you distinguish your state of mind from reality. Marijuana can make you paranoid and feel like something bad is about to happen. If you are not in pain, vomiting, or exhibiting any objectively bad symptoms, you will probably be fine. Use your friend to help.

I’ve also found that keeping a stopwatch handy helps too. You will likely experience a slowdown in time when using marijuana (which contains THC), and you may be concerned about your breathing rate. Most likely, you will breathe normally and think that you have slowed down significantly. A stopwatch can help you understand how drugs have affected your perception of time. Just start the stopwatch and hide it, but keep your finger on the stop button. Then breathe and count the number of seconds to 15 or 20. When you get to 20, stop the stopwatch. You will most likely find that the number you counted differs markedly from the number of seconds actually elapsed. Seeing the signs of time is slowing down can help ease your anxiety, because then you can fully admit that you are in trouble.

Control the Munchies

Most people eat snacks, so if you don’t want to gain a lot of weight due to incessant hunger, you should plan in advance what you will eat in order to stick to this plan. Also, brush your teeth when you have nothing to eat. This will encourage you to give up food when you set out to do so. Of course, some people don’t have a crazy appetite when they’re high. If you are like me and are very hungry, plan some precautions ahead of time to avoid eating yourself outside the home.

Learn to act normally

Many people find marijuana fun and enjoyable. I don’t, and although I mostly slept during my highs, I kept learning about them in order to control myself and control myself during the hours that I might have to spend with other people. When high, most people lose their inhibitions, giggle, overeat, have dull red eyes and other obvious effects that scream, “This guy is high.” With some eye drops and some behavioral practice, you can avoid so many successes in public.

To learn how to behave like a normal person when you are under the influence of drugs, you need to take them alone and celebrate your behavior. How do you feel? What do you like to do? How are these interests different from the way you normally act? In the future, you can use this information to reduce this behavior and find a normal balance. Of course, you can only do this if you are using the liable amount, so this comes first. As you practice, you will learn how certain amounts affect you and can avoid taking too much. You should always be wrong for less, even when you’re just going to sleep . You don’t want to wake up and feel high if you need to go somewhere or go to work, right? Until you are comfortable with what you are doing, dose less. This will allow you to live a normal life, avoid negative side effects, and easily act like a normal person when you are around other people.

Monitor your tolerance

Everyone develops a drug tolerance. They become less effective over time as the body adapts to their presence. While you have a ton of cannabinoid receptors in your brain and it can take a while to develop intolerance to marijuana, it does happen and you need to know how to deal with it.

Since you have two main types of marijuana (indica and sativa), you can switch between the two once every two weeks to avoid having a strong tolerance for one or the other. This may not suit your needs, but if you don’t mind the differences, it will help you build tolerance much more slowly. You need to take a break of at least a week every three months. Personally, I took a break every fourth week. It can be difficult with pain relief, but you probably have other pain relievers to help you get through this week if the residual effects of marijuana don’t work on their own. In my case, I could take a week off and avoid severe pain. Everyone is a little different, so you’ll need to see how this works for you.

Avoid addiction

Even if you are using marijuana for medical reasons, continuing to use it will demonstrate how pleasant you can feel from it. I hated it the first five times I took it. I still hate being around people, even if I’m a little high, but I enjoy sitting and watching TV alone in my bedroom. I like the taste of food better. When a drug produces positive emotions, naturally you will want more of it. While marijuana does not cause much of a physical addiction – at least without very long-term frequent high-dose use – you still run the risk of becoming psychologically addicted. This is the case with everything, including the gorgeous chocolate cake.

As we mentioned about tolerance, it is very important to take breaks. You need to constantly prove to yourself that you don’t need the drug to feel good. Because my family was a drug addict, I took regular breaks every fourth week – a fairly aggressive approach for people with chronic pain. If I felt particularly good one day, I would skip a nightly dose. It helps to develop a habit of quitting the drug so that you have frequent memories of how good and good it is without it. If you do not have these memories, it will be very easy for you to convince yourself that you need the drug when you are sad. Don’t let this happen. It won’t end well.

If you are worried about addiction and addiction, keep a diary only on days when you did not use marijuana so that you have a lot of specific information about your life when you are not using drugs. While this guide discusses the benefits of medical marijuana, like any other drug, it poses serious risks when used regularly. Take precautions to avoid falling prey to addiction and addiction. As your ultimate safety net, find a drug rehabilitation center in your area to book in case you need one, or find a good therapist or counselor to help you cope. We all make mistakes, and the responsible use of powerful drugs – even the ones you are prescribed – is challenging. If you are mistaken or afraid of slipping, you can be helped. Talk to a healthcare professional if something gets out of hand or if you are worried it might happen. Safety first!


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