Blink Notifies You When Your Mac Wakes up or Sleeps

iPhone / Mac: Ever wonder if anyone is trying to guess your password? Or just wondering how often the cat walks on the keyboard? Blink is a small application that sends a notification to your phone when your Mac wakes up or goes to sleep.

You will need to first pair the two versions of the Blink app on your iPhone and Mac via Bluetooth (Blink only supports newer Macs with Bluetooth Low Energy). After the initial pairing, you don’t need to keep Bluetooth turned on or within range. After pairing is complete, every time your Mac wakes up or falls asleep, you will receive a notification on your phone. That’s all Blink does, so you won’t get any advanced tracking tools here, but it’s still an interesting little tool.

Blink (99 ยข) | iTunes App Store Blink (Free) | Mac App Store


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