A Beginner’s Guide to Basic Camping Gear

Spring is in full swing, which means the hike you have been so eager to set off is just around the corner. Of course, you were also going to buy the necessary equipment. Don’t worry, whether you are a newbie or a veterinarian looking to cover up your bases, we have everything you need.

What you should take with you on your hike depends on what type of trip you are planning. Going somewhere and going on a small day hike from the populated base camp? You can bring a nice big stove. Walking 25 miles into the Great Gorge ? You want something more portable. The distinction between the two is usually referred to as ” camping ” or ” hiking “. Campers go somewhere and set up camp farther from this place. Hikers hike and then camp with what they took with them.

The gear that works best for each of these usually has to do with weight and compactness, so make sure you factor in what you will spend the most time on when shopping for gear. Hiking gear is usually more expensive because it’s weight-oriented, but great for both camping and hiking. This dual nature is good for those planning to do both. You should consider your specific needs rather than relying on a general checklist, but the list of essentials for most trips remains the same.

The basics: essential gear for camping and hiking

Let’s start with the most obvious camping gear: tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, and whatever else comes to mind when you think of camping. It’s all expensive equipment that you put off until you need it later. Fortunately, you can get by with much less than you think.


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