If You Work More Than 50 Hours a Week, You Probably Won’t Do More.

Anyone who has ever worked more than 50 hours a week knows what burnout is . To make the trauma worse, you probably won’t even get more work due to the delay.

As business site Entrepreneur points out, more hours rarely makes you more productive after a certain point. Staying late from time to time can help you get a few more things done, but more hours of operation can be compared to the turbo button on a starship: it’s just for quick acceleration . If you regularly work more than 50 hours a week, your productivity is likely to drop:

[ Research from Stanford ] found that productivity per hour drops sharply when the workweek exceeds 50 hours, and productivity drops so much after 55 hours that there is no point in working anymore. That’s right, people who work 70 hours (or more) a week actually do as much as people who work 55 hours.

Although productivity declines after 50 hours a week, it almost completely stops after 55. After all, your brain and body just can’t handle the load. You need rest to come back and do more. If you don’t understand this, your brain will try to find a way to rest while you work. This leads to a drop in productivity and a worse situation for everyone. Instead, do yourself a favor and fuck yourself home .

How Successful People Work Less But Do More | Businessman


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