How to Act When You Are Overworked

You said yes to one or two too many projects, and now you fear that you will not be able to complete them. Now is not the time to be sad. Here’s how to get rid of the overwhelming workload.

First, take a deep breath.

Most of us have done too much before because we didn’t want to sound like a jerk by saying no, or because we underestimated how much time or effort our projects would take. We dug this ditch ourselves, knowing that it can exacerbate stress and guilt.

Right now, however, there is nothing you can do about taking on too much, and the stress of work stress only multiplies it. So the first thing to do is take a step back and calm down. I recently had panic attacks at the thought of the mountain of work to which I dedicated myself. I often felt paralyzed. After researching coping strategies, I found that breathing and other anxiety- reduction strategies helped me focus enough to start correcting the situation rather than dwelling on it. It is also helpful to remind yourself that this period will pass and you will get over it. Now let’s get to work.

Prioritize your projects

The next thing to do is take stock of what’s on your plate and those awful deadlines. What do you need to do that is really important and urgent? Sort your tasks and projects with the Eisenhower Matrix :

Everything may seem important, but it is not all the same important. Find out what’s really important by asking your boss questions and asking colleagues questions.

As far as urgency goes, these are all things that have a deadline – and the reason for that deadline, not just a fictional deadline. For example, filing a tax return is urgent (and important), while filling out an account statement is not.

Anything that is not listed in the “urgent and important” field number 1 can wait, be delegated, or excluded. You can explain these decisions to your boss, stressing that you need time to work on the projects that will make the most of the business.

Then choose your priority project and focus on it. Don’t think about other things until you need them to keep your inner peace.

What if everything on your to-do list is urgent and important and you still don’t have time? Read more.

Delegate What You Can

Break projects down into minimum tasks and see if there is any part that can be delegated. If someone can get the job done to 70% flawlessness, delegate it , unless that task is central to your job. They may not be doing their job as well as you are, but you need help getting the rest of the job done.

Also, if something can be done in 2 minutes or less, delegate it. For example, for this post, I couldn’t ask someone else to write my outline or finish my draft. However, once I knew what specific examples I was going to include, I could ask someone to get me the Lifehacker links that I needed to insert. This is a minor task, but every bit of help matters.

If you have no one to delegate to, consider using a service such as Fancy Hands , TaskRabbit , or other outsourcing services . Use them in your personal life if being too busy at work causes stress or a lack of time when you are at home.

Ask for an extension

Skipping the deadline sucks, but it’s better than not completing the task at all. Ask if the deadline can be rescheduled. Some deadlines probably cannot if they are critical projects or other projects depend on strict deadlines. However, you might be surprised at how flexible other timelines can be. (I once had a boss who artificially cut deadlines because he believed stress was motivating. Once I found out about it, deadlines became much less stressful because I stopped thinking about them.)

Tell your manager as early as possible that you need an extension and briefly explain why. You can also offer to transfer an already completed part of the project.

This applies to both freelancers and small business owners. As a freelancer, I hate breaking promises to clients, but luckily the people I have worked with understand me. Just don’t do it too often.

As a last resort, cancel the project

If you can’t extend the deadline or can’t imagine another possible solution, it’s time to quit . You may just be lost , but for the sake of work or well-being, you may have to abandon the project.

Exit gracefully with a sincere apology , taking responsibility for the cancellation. Perhaps offer to compensate for this, but only if you really can , because otherwise you would simply restart the cycle of over-commitment.

Learn from experience to balance your future commitments

Once you get through this rough section, it’s time to take stock so you can prevent it from recurring. Avoid overstretching by following these three steps:

  1. Better estimate the time: most of us underestimate the amount of time we think a task will take, even if we’ve done the same task before. To fix this “scheduling error,” estimate the task’s execution time and then double or even triple it. It will also leave room for any potential setbacks that you may face but cannot foresee now.
  2. Discuss deadlines or buy time: Your boss or client can set your deadlines, but that doesn’t mean they’re set in stone. Tell them how long you can actually complete the project. If they insist on a deadline, work with results, not a deadline : ask what you can deliver by that deadline and what can be rescheduled later.
  3. Learn to say no: this is the hardest, but perhaps the most important part. Refuse new responsibilities if they stretch you too far or are not worth it. Remember, ” If this is not hell, yes, it is not .” Even people who like people can learn not to speak more often , of course , politely . When you point out how big your workload is, most bosses will understand that if you have to say no, it doesn’t necessarily ruin your career . It could really save him. It’s better to say no than to commit yourself to something and then fail others.

You may be feeling overwhelmed right now, but by cutting your workload as much as possible and prioritizing one at a time, you will get past this predicament. Then, next time, be bold and selective about the commitments you can actually fulfill.


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