Shy People Open up by Asking Simple Questions.

Talking to a shy person can be frustrating at times, but you can get them to open up by asking a few simple questions.

As John Stoker, president of DialogueWORKS and author of Overcoming Fake Conversations , explains, shyness stems from someone’s fear of being singled out and rejected. According to Stoker, you can get them to open up by asking questions that don’t sound judgmental and are easy to answer. Anything from asking about their name to what food they like will help them trust you, leading to their greater discovery. This is similar to the adult version of a shy child asking if he likes school or the toy he squeezes (no patronizing tone and silly voices). Just make sure you avoid yes or no questions. You want them to speak, not utter individual syllables and return to their shell.

How To Get A Shy Person To Open Up In Five Minutes Or Less | Business Insider


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