Improving 1% Every Day in Small Areas Instead of Aiming for Huge Changes

When you decide your life needs to change, the biggest problem areas in your life will be highlighted. The gap between where you are and where you want to be is huge. Don’t focus on the end point. Instead, focus on the small steps you can take to get there.

As entrepreneur James Altucher explains, focusing on capturing the big picture can mess up your perception. When planning your big goals in a few years, you live your day to day. The only thing you can change is how you behave today. So, focus on this:

Here are the habits I do every day. Most importantly, I don’t think about the past or the future. I just think: have I done these habits today? This is the only question I ask at the end of the day.

The minor improvements you make will get worse over time. Sure, saving $ 5 at the grocery store won’t make you rich, but spending awareness practice can. Working on a side project for 5 minutes won’t suddenly start your own business, but it can lead you to think more constructively about how to do it. By focusing on the little things, you can influence big things.

What are the habits of wealthy people | James Altucher via Rockstar Finance


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