Use Tape to Remove Dead Skin From Chapped Lips

When your lips are chapped, the worst thing you can do is use an abrasive method to get rid of the dead skin. Use a piece of tape instead of a scrub to remove dead flakes.

As the advice site Pure Wow suggests, using adhesive tape on your lips is as effective as it is weird. Instead of using a scrub that can damage healthy skin cells, the tape simply tightens what is already dead, leaving everything else behind.

In the interests of due diligence, I checked this myself just before writing this post. While sticking tape to lips is as weird as it sounds, I’ve found it to be about as effective as my usual toothbrush exfoliation trick. However, it was less harsh and hurt my lips less. As an added bonus, it’s probably easier to find tape in the middle of the workday if you need to touch up dry lips than to carry around a toothbrush just in case.

A Simple (But A Little Weird) Trick To Treat Chapped Lips | Pure wow


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