Top Downloads This Week

Every week we share the number of downloads for all platforms to help you get started. Here are the top downloads this week.

Notarization allows you to notarize a document directly from your phone

iOS: You need a notary from time to time, whether it’s a will, a mortgage, or some other contract. You can probably find a notary near you quite easily, but if you don’t feel like leaving your home, the Notarize app lets you do it from your phone.

IDisplay updates with improved speed, lower latency and more

iOS / Android / Mac / Windows: iDisplay, a utility that turns your tablet into a fully functional second screen for your computer, just updated with more speed increases, much lower Wi-Fi latency, support for Android tablets, OS X El Capitan and much more.

How to remove timeline from all weird Twitter changes, ads, and promoted tweets

Twitter was in tears, making tons of changes that its users never asked for. From today’s new ‘Best of’ module to promoted tweets and ‘while you were out’, it’s all useless for those who just want to read a clean stream. Here’s how to get your timeline back.

Speedster – Native Internet Speed ​​Testing Application for Mac

Mac: There are many browser tools out there to test your internet speed, but they are usually filled with nasty ads. If you prefer your own app, Speedster is free and does its job well.

Glacier Point Desktop

Strange didn’t leave much information on how he created this beautiful desktop with the Half Dome in the center, but we can figure it out. Here’s what you’ll need if you want your Mac to look and feel like this.

Victories turn your deeds into battles and productivity into triumph

iOS: Victories is an app that takes every to-do on your to-do list and turns it into a “battle,” where doing is winning and putting off is giving up. As you get more productive, your character gets better, and there are stats and tons of data to ponder on as you push your character to progress.

Best recipe manager for Android

If you’re emailing yourself recipes, printing them out, or still keeping index cards, there is a better way. Grab your Android phone, there are tons of great recipe apps out there, but we have one that we think is the right mix of features at a reasonable price. Paprika is the app for you.

1Password 6 comes to Android with fingerprint unlock and smoother interface

The Android version of 1Password from AgileBits received an update today that adds support for fingerprint unlocking, as well as a complete redesign of the interface.

Bound for iOS plays all your audiobooks from Dropbox

iPhone: The DRM-free audiobook business isn’t exactly booming (although sites like Downpour and LibriVox exist to help you find them), that doesn’t mean you might not have audiobook files in your Dropbox account. If you do that, Bound will be a great player.

Nimble puts Wolfram Alpha on your Mac’s menu bar

Mac: Wolfram Alpha has a ton of useful information, but sometimes it’s easy to forget about it. Nimble is a small menu bar app that will add this search engine to your Mac’s menu bar.


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