Prepare for Promotion by Keeping a Daily Work Diary

You will be more likely to get promoted if your boss is happy about your future together. For that to happen, you want to show him or her that you are growing and your skills are expanding, which is why it helps to maintain what Muse calls a “learning journal.”

When it’s time to ask for a raise, it’s helpful to list workplace milestones. This way, you can share with your boss what you have learned and perhaps what you would like to work on to move forward. However, these milestones can be difficult to remember, and this is where a learning log comes in handy. The writer Rajiv Nathan explains how to build it:

… you can create it using a spreadsheet. Name the first column “Date” and the second “What I learned”. At the end of each day, fill in the second column with anything you’ve learned about yourself, your job, your company, your industry, whatever. You will find that not only will you be better able to communicate information when asked, but you will become keenly aware of your progress (or lack thereof), events in the company, and how you prioritize your work.

It’s easy enough, but if a daily journal seems overkill, you can also keep a weekly or even monthly journal with an overview of the most important skills or lessons you’ve learned during that time. As Nathan explains, it makes it easy to analyze your own work and even find any potential areas for improvement.

This is a fairly simple tip to implement, and you can read more at the link below.

Three-Step Plan That Will Dramatically Increase Your Chances of Promotion | Muse


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