Keep a Today I Found Out Magazine About All the Helpful Stuff You Learned

We all learn a lot during the day, and some of these things matter more than others. On Hacker News, user jbranchaud began tracking what he learned over the course of the year.

The idea here is pretty simple. At the end of the day, take five minutes or so and jot down a quick note about one helpful thing you’ve learned during the day. You can keep it short, this is not about critical thinking, but about celebrating something useful. You can find jbranchaud’s “Today I learned” entries here on GitHub . As you’d expect, they’re all tech-related to some degree, with fun things like Hash Slicing in Rails or turning tabs into spaces in Vim . You can have whatever you want based on your hobby or profession. You can also use any note, journal, or web app you want. Your TIL is just a good way to reflect on your day, come up with ideas for a diary, or even share some knowledge if you want to go public. Check out the Hacker News thread for tons of ideas on how you could structure your own.

Show HN: I’ve been writing daily TIL for a year now | Hacker news


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