Memorize the Three Truths for the Audience Before Giving Your Speech.

Speaking in front of others with a speech or presentation is quite a jittery action. However, if you remind yourself of the “Three Truths for the Audience” before speaking in front of people, you will give yourself the opportunity to calm down and focus on your message.

Mantras and positive self-talk are good ways to boost your energy and self-confidence, but they are even better when they are correct. Darlene Price, communications coach and author of Well Said !: Presentations and Conversations That Produce Results , invites you to remember these three truths before you step on stage:

  1. They think you are an expert, so don’t tell them otherwise.
  2. They want you to be successful, so they are on your side.
  3. They won’t know when you make a mistake, so don’t announce it.

Play them over in your mind or read them aloud. You may not be able to control how nervous you are, but you can control your actions. Viewers only see and hear what you want them to, so use that to your advantage and give the best speech of your life .

11 Tips To Calm Your Nerves Before Your Big Presentation | Business Insider


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