We Post Only Applications That Are Good for You on the Main Screen of Your Phone

Our brains are lazy and easily diverted from work in moments like Facebook and Twitter. Take advantage of this mental laziness by carefully choosing the icons on your phone’s home screen.

Most of us will probably put the apps we use primarily on our home screens , but as a design for hackers author David Kadavy points out, this might not be the best way to organize our home screens:

They have a very limited amount of energy that can be used aside to do what we intend to do. But one shiny object at the edge of our field of view or a drop in blood sugar can completely confuse us.

You can take advantage of this mental laziness. If you design your world so that it is difficult for it to do what is bad for you and it is easy for it to do what is good for you, your behavior will be consistent with that design.

So it hides apps like Facebook but highlighted guided relaxation app, reading apps and productivity apps.

It’s a little trick, but just like moving what’s bad for you just 20 seconds further , one that can make a big difference from day to day.

Read the post below for additional offers.

Make It Easy To Do What’s Good For You | Middle


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