Get Rid of the Winter Blues by Doing Something That Scares You

If short days and cold temperatures tire you out, system shock can help you break out of the winter blues and avoid seasonal affective disorder.

In winter, you can often feel overwhelmed in landfills. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help yourself . You can shine lots of light on yourself, spend time with friends and family, and exercise regularly. However, if that’s not enough for you, Julia Brenner of Apartment Therapy offers an out-of-the-box solution: do something that scares you a little. Try stand-up comedy, sing a song in front of strangers at a karaoke night, take an activity that always scared you, or take a solo trip to a place where you never had the courage to go alone. Find something that scares you a little and let that adrenaline rush kick in. What would you do scary to break out of the winter blues?

The Complete Guide to Defeating SAD | Apartment therapy


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